Friday, March 25, 2011

Drinking for my scan.

This is the blackcurrant flavoured tracer dye I had to drink for my chest and pelvic scan. After drinking this I was then injected with iodine twice, once before and once during the scan. It gave me the feeling of having pee'd myself and of a strange metallic taste.

Friday, December 17, 2010

My infected mouth....

My dodgy gob!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The dream turns painful - SHINGLES.

The rash begins...
and spreads from my belly button to my spine.
Then it blistered....
and blistered some more....
And then slowly dried out.
But it was bloody painful.
And not very pretty to look at.
But here is where it was finally starting to properly heal.
And the blistered had started to scab up.
And scab some more.
And then the scabs started to fall off.
Much improved.
And nearly all gone.
This is a month after the rash first appeared.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Me and Ruth at Pete's wedding drinks.

What's that over there?Don't know, but it's gone now.
Let's look like a pair of dorks. Oh, okay.

Baby Eloise, just three days old, and more.

Me and Eloise, she's getting big now.And again, baby Eloise, she's just been fed so very content.

Baby Eloise, so very cute and small and not really ready to look around.

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Forest hiking.

Another scenic entrance to the Forest.Kylie's impressed she managed to tie her drink to the front of her pack, she could survive anywhere.
I found FIVE THORNES in the forest.
Trying to hear what the trees have to say, not a lot.
Kylie just looks mental.

The view over the forest, up near the Canadian monument.Steaming ponies after the rain.

Lichen on a branch, not a turd as someone asked me.
The forest after some rain.

Kylie, walking away.

One of the many furry ponies, looking a bit scraggy in his winter coat.
Entering the New Forest, we walked by the "allotments".

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Archery - it ROCKS!

That's right - apparently I can arch!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Spain, Spain and more Spain.

Me, relaxing (knackered) at the top of the mountain after climbing around the top of it. The valley below us is the Ordesa Valley, which was brilliant, very deep but brilliant to be at the top of it. We were climbing around a shale mountain side. Looking down down down into the Ordesa Valley....
And down further into the valley.....

We invade Spain, slipping in undetected across the border...

Taking a break before beginning another mountain assault. To the left of this, over that ridge was the second shelter, but we took the more scenic route and climbed around another mountain. I was a little over the crampons at this stage.The valleys just dropped away, and dropped down deep.

Walking down from the Breche and into Spain we walked passed this cave, full of bats and Julian. I'm striking a pose pointing towards France
The view across the Spanish side.