Friday, June 25, 2010

The dream turns painful - SHINGLES.

The rash begins...
and spreads from my belly button to my spine.
Then it blistered....
and blistered some more....
And then slowly dried out.
But it was bloody painful.
And not very pretty to look at.
But here is where it was finally starting to properly heal.
And the blistered had started to scab up.
And scab some more.
And then the scabs started to fall off.
Much improved.
And nearly all gone.
This is a month after the rash first appeared.


FNNU Editor said...

Beautifully documented yet RANK nonetheless. But on the positive side, the pictures tell a story of a shrinking mid-rift! Now you're looking even hotter than usual Darls. Hope you're enjoying your trekking!!! xxx

Roobina said...

Beautifully captured. LYW